Do masks work?

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Over the last twenty years there have been thirteen major studies done on the efficacy of face masks to prevent respiratory illness. Most were either inconclusive in regards to preventing infection or actually caused harm.

I’ve seen many charts and graphs showing the “particle filtering” abilities of masks made from various types of materials. From different kinds of cloth, full face respirators, surgical and N95 masks.

This video from Dr. Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity explains the rationale behind mask usage and the efficacy in protecting from disease. Summary? If you’re betting your life on masks then disappointment should be expected.

As stated in this article on the Nursing Times:

RPE (respiratory protective equipment) is used to protect the wearer from inhaling aerosolised droplet nuclei expelled from the respiratory tract. As surgical face masks are not effective at filtering out such particles, respirators are required:

When caring for patients with certain respiratory diseases, such as active pulmonary tuberculosis;

As part of a PPE ensemble for suspected high-consequence infectious diseases spread by the airborne route, such as avian influenza or Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS Co-V).

Patients in whom diagnoses of these diseases have been confirmed will be transferred to a specialist centre for ongoing management.

Nursing Times

Surgical masks are not effective at filtering out particles from someone’s respiratory tract. Period. Cloth masks, like the ones that are commonly worn by the vast majority of people in my area, are even LESS effective. Let that sink in a bit. The government is mandating that you put something on your face that doesn’t do the job they say it does. Masks are as effective at blocking viruses as tight jeans are a keeping in farts. In other words, they don’t.

“But I’ve seen charts where cloth masks filter out 41% of particles!” Yeah, I’ve seen those charts too. The trap most people fall into is equating “particle filtering capability” with actual “disease preventing capability”. For one thing, how often does one wear their mask? All day? Do they take it off in public while eating? How often are people touching their face to adjust a mask? Do you wear a mask while sleeping? How often do you wash your cloth mask? It’s ridiculous to think that cloth mask does anything but show who isn’t complying.

Besides, if masks worked then why don’t we see any evidence of their supposed benefit? At this point, we should see a reduction in cases in places with mask mandates, right? But we don’t. Without any real point to wearing them, I resist wearing a mask at all times. If I’m refused service without a mask, I politely leave and will NEVER go to that business again, ever. The money I’ve saved!

Masks should be a choice, just like the vaccine should be as well. If it makes you feel better then do it. What do I care? But forcing people to do something that is 100% bullshit? This is America damn it. Seems like some folks forgot what that means.

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