Couldn’t be summed up in a more entertaining way than this video.
When you treat people of color as if they’re too dumb to operate as adults in a civilized society then you’re being racist. If we’re all of equal intelligence and capabilities and there’s no genetic differences then blacks and Hispanics shouldn’t need any kind of help. No one in the US has legally been a slave nor owned one for over 155 years. People need to stop treating non-white people like they are imbecilic children. I guess it’s tough to do when racism is a foundational tenet of your political belief system.
The fascination libs have with non-whites and “helping” them is so transparently “white guilt”. They’re so softhearted and caring to the point of being ultimately destructive. I refuse to feel guilt for anyone else’s plight that has nothing to do with my own personal actions.
Acting like some kind of ultimate arbiter of who gets what and holding some down while pushing others up for the sake of some kind of solution for injustice is literally the mindset of Hitler, Lenin, Pol Pot, Stalin, etc. Hitler blamed all things going wrong in Germany on the Jews. Lenin and Stalin blamed “intellectuals”, capitalists, and anyone who disagreed with their brand of Communism. When treating people as equals does one become non-racist. To do otherwise is just some form of authoritarianism that no one will want.